the p word
2:42:00 AM
hoooooooray! we are expecting. nothing is more exciting around these parts these days. it is so fun to see how baby has grown each week with apps and ultrasounds but can I be real for a quick second? pregnancy is hard! I am tired, but unable to sleep well. bloated, even when I don't eat crappy. nauseous, but unable to throw up (and honestly, unwilling. I hate throwing up more than anything). and now that the nausea is easing up, I'm getting ridiculous headaches, and discovered a new fun symptom tonight!
that right there is what 3 am on the couch looks like. no, mat and I aren't fighting (and if we were, why would I, the pregnant one, get the couch?!) I just woke up with itchiness nose and mouth, and most stuffed runny nose ever. one trip to the bathroom and google search later, and I've resolved to allergic rhinitis, or simply put, allergies. never in my life has it been bad enough to wake me up at night, but apparently pregnancy ramps up those effects. another google search resulted in popping some benedryl and deciding to spend the rest of the night on the couch to try to alleviate triggers. I blame our dusty fan and gracie in the bedroom.
so now I'm trying to fall asleep (ironically, the meds haven't knocked me out yet) and planning my day tomorrow. I think a good old fashioned cleaning of the master bedroom is in order! we'll see how that pans out. in the meantime, I'm getting hungry so I'm gonna grab a snack and hit the hay!
heres to another glorious (and hopefully easier!) 6 months! oh, right. as of today, I am done with that dang first trimester! go me!