this year has gone by so fast! this month marks being married for 9 months. if we had a honeymoon baby, I'd be ready to pop!
speaking of babies, I feel like its the season to get preggers! I've got 2 aunts on mat's side pregnant, my sister in law Kacey, and two of my best friends are pregnant, and another aunt on mat's side and one of my work friends just gave birth within the last week. holy crapola! its so fun to have so much new life, but I have yet to become baby hungry. kacey promises it'll come, but we will see. maybe when there are a bunch of babies running around, I'll start wanting my own. but until then, I am enjoying only having to care for myself and my husband. which brings me to my next point!
mat and I have not turned on our heater yet. well, we did have it on for like three days, until our little srp estimator told us how much our bill would be if we kept it up. and off it went! we figure that while we can, we should save as much money as possible, so the heater will probably be off until we absolutely can't stand it. well, I've turned it on here and there a couple times, mainly for showering purposes. do you seriously expect me to be able to get out of the shower in a 60 degree house? didn't think so! but because we don't have a little one to keep warm, mat and I can just bundle up in blankets and snuggle every night and I am not complaining about the latter. however, I am convinced that it is impossible to get anything done in a cold house. waking up early, for example. I have been going to bed between 8 and 9 the last couple nights and still cannot, for the life of me, wake up on time. every morning, as soon as I reach over to turn off my alarm, I realize that my warm bed and warm husband are far greater options than waking up. the other thing is house work. like tonight, I had big plans to go running, then do a million and one things around the house. well, I went running, but then came home and curled up in a blanket, then decided to blog. whoops! I think I just need to be tougher. whiiiich brings me to my next point!
2012 is just around the corner people, and I've been thinking up myself some resolutions the past couple days. thus far I've got ten. some are cliche (lose weight. yeah yeah, I know), some I realllllyyyy need to focus on (i.e. my resolution to finish everything I start... like my resolutions), and some are just so that I force myself to conquer fears (get up, and stay up, on a wakeboard. I'm a wimp!). I'm also planning on some monthly goals, just to break down my big year-long resolutions into smaller steps.
there are two that I'm most excited about:
1. make our house a home. (already have a million ideas brewing!)
2. exercise a minimum of three times a week (I really do love exercising, I just get lazy sometimes and forget.)
anywho, I'll get a more comprehensive list out later. as of right now, mat and I are still enjoying our christmas presents. which included!
1. lots of clothes for me. wooooo!
2. little knick knacks for mat to use with his phone at work.
3. a canon eos rebel t3 for me :) thaaaank you mat
4. a pistol of choice for matthew.
5. other shtuff that I can't think of right now.
I have always loved christmas, but let me tell ya, christmas is so much better when you're married :) waking up with mat on christmas morning and going to open our presents together definitely is within my top ten favorites as of right now. I've already taken my camera out on a shoot with kacey, and hopefully I'll get confident enough to make enough extra money on the side and be able to dance more. that's the plan, anyways.
I looooove this time of year :)
speaking of babies, I feel like its the season to get preggers! I've got 2 aunts on mat's side pregnant, my sister in law Kacey, and two of my best friends are pregnant, and another aunt on mat's side and one of my work friends just gave birth within the last week. holy crapola! its so fun to have so much new life, but I have yet to become baby hungry. kacey promises it'll come, but we will see. maybe when there are a bunch of babies running around, I'll start wanting my own. but until then, I am enjoying only having to care for myself and my husband. which brings me to my next point!
mat and I have not turned on our heater yet. well, we did have it on for like three days, until our little srp estimator told us how much our bill would be if we kept it up. and off it went! we figure that while we can, we should save as much money as possible, so the heater will probably be off until we absolutely can't stand it. well, I've turned it on here and there a couple times, mainly for showering purposes. do you seriously expect me to be able to get out of the shower in a 60 degree house? didn't think so! but because we don't have a little one to keep warm, mat and I can just bundle up in blankets and snuggle every night and I am not complaining about the latter. however, I am convinced that it is impossible to get anything done in a cold house. waking up early, for example. I have been going to bed between 8 and 9 the last couple nights and still cannot, for the life of me, wake up on time. every morning, as soon as I reach over to turn off my alarm, I realize that my warm bed and warm husband are far greater options than waking up. the other thing is house work. like tonight, I had big plans to go running, then do a million and one things around the house. well, I went running, but then came home and curled up in a blanket, then decided to blog. whoops! I think I just need to be tougher. whiiiich brings me to my next point!
2012 is just around the corner people, and I've been thinking up myself some resolutions the past couple days. thus far I've got ten. some are cliche (lose weight. yeah yeah, I know), some I realllllyyyy need to focus on (i.e. my resolution to finish everything I start... like my resolutions), and some are just so that I force myself to conquer fears (get up, and stay up, on a wakeboard. I'm a wimp!). I'm also planning on some monthly goals, just to break down my big year-long resolutions into smaller steps.
there are two that I'm most excited about:
1. make our house a home. (already have a million ideas brewing!)
2. exercise a minimum of three times a week (I really do love exercising, I just get lazy sometimes and forget.)
anywho, I'll get a more comprehensive list out later. as of right now, mat and I are still enjoying our christmas presents. which included!
1. lots of clothes for me. wooooo!
2. little knick knacks for mat to use with his phone at work.
3. a canon eos rebel t3 for me :) thaaaank you mat
4. a pistol of choice for matthew.
5. other shtuff that I can't think of right now.
I have always loved christmas, but let me tell ya, christmas is so much better when you're married :) waking up with mat on christmas morning and going to open our presents together definitely is within my top ten favorites as of right now. I've already taken my camera out on a shoot with kacey, and hopefully I'll get confident enough to make enough extra money on the side and be able to dance more. that's the plan, anyways.
I looooove this time of year :)